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On Suomessa toimivien äänitetuottajien kattojärjestö, jonka tarkoitus on kehittää suomalaisen musiikkialan toimintaedellytyksiä. Alan edunvalvonnan lisäksi vastaamme mm. musiikkimyynnin tilastoista, ISRC-koodin hallinnoinnista, kultalevyistä, Suomen Virallisista Listoista ja Emma-gaalan järjestämisestä. Vähittäismyynnin arvo 2012 49,7 milj. Fyysiset tallenteet -2,5 milj. Digitaaliset palvelut 3,0 milj.
And the video guys at Luomustudio. Teemu Jokinen - Drums, backing vocals.
Sons of Norway - District 4. Elkommen to Sons of Norway District IV! The mission of District IV Lodge and its officers and directors is to promote the interest of Sons of Norway within District IV and to cooperate with and assist the International lodge and its officers. District IV will assist its local lodges to promote, preserve and cherish a lasting appreciation of the heritage and culture of Norway and other Nordic countries for people of all ages. Cherishing our Past, Embracing our Future.
The Network has no creed and welcomes people from all faith and non-faith traditions. The Future of this local group. Sea of Faith in Oxford. Wednesday 20th May, 2. 30 pm in the Library of. The Friends Meeting House . Whether you are still interested in the continuation of this local group;. What its aims and objectives might be.
Sea of Faith in the Churches. The Network has no creed and welcomes people from all faith and non-faith traditions. Is a special interest group within the Sea of Faith Network that explores the interface between church and SoF, and is open to anyone who is interested. Speakers include Revd Dr Diane Rees.
Sea of Faith, Surrey Group. The Network has no creed and welcomes people from all faith and non-faith traditions. Meeting on Saturday 19th April 2008.
The Network has no creed and welcomes people from all faith and non-faith traditions. The Heart Centre, Leeds 1. These We Have Lost - Or Have We? Sat 25th Apr,. York at the home of Ann Holt and David Rubinstein, 1. 30pm for 2pm start, tea and coffee provided. David Rubinstein will introduce the discussion.